It was 9:00am already! Richard had to leave for work! Before leaving he hurriedly looked at the newspaper and stood still! Is he seeing it right? He rubbed his eyes and saw again… Yes, he was not mistaken. It was his name in the obituary! He threw the paper in the bin and screamed… but no one came out of the rooms!
Richard started to recollect. He remembered that last night when he went to bed he had a chest pain and he was rushed to hospital. Then he went into a sound sleep. But what happened after that?
One Last Chance
He could suddenly see his living room filled with people… all in tears; his mom, his wife and his children. He shouted at them… but no one answered back. He also saw his best friend, the one he had a serious misunderstanding few days back. He wanted to say ‘Sorry’ to him… but now no one could hear his voice. There was so much left to do before he left this world! He wondered how he could tell his mom that he felt so thankful to have her in his life! He wanted to tell his children how much he loved them.
“Oh, God”… shouted Richard, “Please give me a little more time. I have to say so many things that I never said.”
He wanted to tell his wife how lucky he felt to have her; how much he loved her; he felt sorry to have hurt her sometimes. Above all, he wanted to tell her that she means the world to him!
Richard started crying and pleading to God for one LAST chance! “God, one last chance, pleeeeeeaaaaaaaase”, shouted Richard and opened his eyes.
Oh, this was a dream!
He woke up; looked around everywhere. He was on his bed; his wife lay beside him, deep in sleep. Richard bent down and hugged her. He whispered in her ears, “I love you sweetheart; you are the best thing to have ever happened to me!”
He went up to the window; saw outside; his own place, his surroundings. Yes, everything was just the way he has been knowing so long. He looked up the sky, joined his hands and thanked God for giving him this second chance.
Richard realized that ego meant nothing when it came to living life happily with his dear ones around. He decided to meet up his friends and clear all misunderstandings; he also decided to tell everyone who mattered to him, all that has remained unsaid so far!


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